Our Pre-school

Our Pre-school promotes an approach to education which is based on the core values of mutual respect, self-esteem, dignity and critical awareness. Our Pre-school is a contained area of the school building with access to the outside space adjacent to our reception class outdoor learning area.

Our Pre-school offers:

  • A teacher working in our EYFS classroom with the support of a full time teaching assistant.
  • A unique ethical curriculum.
  • A well-resourced indoor and outdoor learning environment.

Please call the office on  01934 404555 or e-mail info@parklandset.org.uk if you would like to find out more about our ethos and Pre-school provision.

Our Pre-school is now at full capacity for this academic year (2024-2025), so the next admissions window will be September 2025.

Where we have remaining spaces, these are allocated with one term’s notice (i.e. for January start, this will be by the October half term, for an Easter start, the February half term). Where we are oversubscribed, places will be offered to siblings first followed by distance from the school. Children in Care are also prioritised where we have spaces.

Pre-School Application

Pre-school Information