Trust Board
As an Academy, Parklands Educate Together is governed by the Educate Together Academy Trust Board, comprised of highly skilled professionals volunteering to ensure our schools are well run.
Information about the Educate Together Academy Trust governance structure can be found on our website here, along with our Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation and audited accounts.
For more information about the Trust Board please contact us via
Local Governing Board
Parklands Educate Together has a Local Governing Board (LGB) comprised of parents, staff, community representatives and co-opted governors offering their skills to help develop and shape the school for the community.
The LGB works alongside the Trust and the Head to ensure that the school delivers a high standard of education and meets all of its statutory responsibilities.
Our LGB members are:
- JJ Clark (Chair, Community Governor & Safeguarding)
- Julie Penfold (Vice Chair, Parent Governor, Children in Care & Play Link)
- Arianne Beardshaw (Community Governor & Wider Curriculum)
- Kellie-Marie Niescior-Mockford (Parent Governor, Pupil Premium and SEND)
- David Buckley (Co-opted Governor & Health & Safety)
- Christine Hall (Co-opted Governor & Community Link)
- Emma Hoyal (Co-opted Governor & Safeguarding)
- Paige Roberts (Co-opted Governor & Finance)
- Jeremy Hughes (Headteacher)
- Eleanor Hanson (Teacher Governor)
- Esme Matthews (Support Staff Governor)
- Rebecca Bugler (Clerk)
If you would like further information please contact the clerk:
Declarations - Parklands Educate Together Primary – Nov 24
Meeting Attendance - Parklands Educate Together 2023-2024
Meeting Dates - Parklands Educate Together 2024-2025
Members - Parklands Educate Together Local Governing Board - Nov 24
The Chair can be contacted by post, at the school’s address: Parklands Educate Together Primary, 1 Russell Road, Locking BS24 7NH.
Please mark your envelope ‘Confidential’ if necessary.
To find out about how we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty, more information can be found here: