Curriculum map

Our Behaviour Curriculum is taught explicitly during our 'Creating a Culture' days during the first week of the year. Children learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, the Behaviour Curriculum is revisited with children through 'Create a Culture' days and will continue to be reinforced throughout the year.  As with other curriculum content, this is taught using explicit teaching based on the ten principles of instruction from Rosenshine.  Our teachers also demonstrate these behaviours and ensure children have time to practise.
We have Creating Culture days for the first five days of the academic year. We then have one or two Creating Culture days at the start of each term.
Creating Culture days are a chance for children to be taught our Behaviour Curriculum and how to behave rather than be expected. We understand that children have different starting points, and we cannot expect behaviour that has not been taught. Creating Culture days are engaging and follow our approach to Teaching and Learning using our Playbook.

Our Creating a Culture days approach:

  • Explaining the why and context
  • Gradual handover - I Do, We Do, You Do approach
  • Teaching of our Behaviour Curriculum includes lots of opportunities for guided practice and independent practice
  • Our Behaviour Curriculum is delivered in small steps with clear examples (examples and non-examples) and models
  • Scaffolds are provided for routines, transitions for whole classes and individual children, not lowering our expectations but enabling all to succeed
  • Scripts for routines
  • Ongoing retrieval and review and many opportunities for children to ask questions and for teachers to check for understanding
  • Ongoing formative assessment to drive instruction of the Behaviour Curriculum
  • Our Behaviour Curriculum provides a high success rate creating a positive culture and supporting children to acquire our character habits

Curriculum Map