Year 3 - Arctic Wolves
Welcome to our Arctic Wolves class!
Welcome back to Term 2. This is going to be an exciting term for learning as well as the run up to Christmas.
We will be looking at Westons piers this term in history, as well as rock formation is science. The Iron Man by Ted Hughes is our focus for English at the moment, and the children seem to really engage with the story.
This year in Arctic Wolves, we’ll be exploring a variety of fascinating topics, including:
Term 1: Respecting Rainforests
Term 2: Weston's Wonderful Piers
Term 3: Coastal Characteristics
Term 4: Rotten Roman Britain
Term 5: Wild Weather
Term 6: Angry Aztecs
Feel free to check out our topic web, which details the key learning points and vocabulary for our topics this term.
PE days – We will be doing PE on a Wednesday and Friday this term so please make sure your children are dressed appropriately for this.
As we move into the colder months, please can you make sure all children bring a coat and anything else to keep them warm outside.
In maths this term we will be starting to look at multiplication. All children have Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots logins to practice at home. These websites, along with, enable them to improve their knowledge, accuracy, and speed in working with times tables and number facts, which will greatly support their maths learning in class.