Year 4 - Black Rhinos

Welcome to our Black Rhino class!
Hi, welcome back to Term 3! I hope you had a good holiday season and welcome to 2025!!
This is going to be an interesting term as we look into the history of the Anglo-Saxons and focus on Alfred the Great as our key figure for our topic. We will also be looking at how sound is created in science this term.
I am sure this will be an interesting historical journey through the term and I am looking forward to taking it with you all!
Our termly focus will be: Term One: We Will Rock You! Term Two: Beneath Our Feet Term Three: Echoes of the Past Term Four: Water, Water Everywhere! Term Five: Where in the World? Term Six: Traders and Raiders
We will have Lauran supporting within our class during the year. PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. There will be spellings each week and home learning activities set on Purple Mash which will be linked into both maths and our topic area.
This year is a particularly important year for the class as the times tables assessment takes place in June. We will continue to work hard towards this and would love you to help us by allowing the children to access to support their learning.
As always, you are welcome to chat with me before or after school or email, via the school office, to arrange an appointment for a more private discussion.
Vickii :)