Year 1 - Honeybees

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Welcome to Honeybees Class

Our Class Teacher is Suzanne. We also have Dave and Sarah working in our class during the week and supporting specific learners in our class each day.

We enjoy working with our children, families, and the local community to give the children many exciting learning opportunities throughout their time in Year 1. 

In Year 1 our curriculum is enriching, meaningful and active so that our children can become fully immersed in their learning. The children will learn through a series of well-planned and sequenced lessons to engage children in their broad range of learning opportunities.

Our PE day is a Monday during Term 1. We also participate in daily movement sessions which can include yoga, mindfulness, dance and the daily mile.


Drop-off time is 8:45 am, with doors open from 8:40 am, and pick-up time is 3:15 pm. Katy will be available outside the classroom if you have any queries or need to pass on important information. Alternatively, you may email the class teacher via

This Term:

We are looking forward to our project this term called ‘Let’s Celebrate’. Please take a look at our topic web which can be found below. This details all the fun and exciting learning opportunities we have planned. 

 Term 4 Topic Web

Please also find below a copy of the Year 1 Calendar which details events in school.

Year 1 Calendar