Reception - Otters

Welcome to Parklands Educate Together and welcome to Otters class!
The Otter Class teacher is Louise and we also have Kelly, Anna and Miriam working with us too.
Our day starts at 8.45, with pick up between 3 and 3.15pm.
Our PE lesson is on a Wednesday morning where the children will also be working with Lauran and Amber.
We enjoy working with our children, families and the local community to give the children many exciting learning opportunities throughout their year in Reception. We encourage the children to become independent learners and adopt a curiosity approach across our topics throughout the year.
Our topics across the year will be:
Term 1: Knowing Me, Knowing You.
Term 2: What’s that twinkling in the sky?
Term 3: Toy time travellers
Term 4: Down on the farm
Term 5: What’s under that log?
Term 6: What’s your superpower?
In Reception we learn through play and enjoy independent learning (Exploring time) both inside and outside. We also have carpet sessions for lessons such as Phonics, Maths and English to support our learning. The children will have plenty of opportunities to explore learning with the children in Otter class during Independent Learning time.
To find out more about the learning that takes place, have a look at our curriculum overview and timetable by clicking the links below.
Keep a look out for photographs, work and exciting events that take place in Red Panda class across this term!