Pre-school - Hedgehogs

Welcome to Pre-school and welcome to Hedgehog Class!
Our Hedgehog Class teachers are Emma (Mon-Tues) and Ann-Marie (Weds-Fri). We also have we Stacey, Ali and Katie and Amber working with us too throughout the week.
Our day starts at 8.55am and our afternoon session ends at 3.00pm (3.05pm on Weds).
On Wednesdays, for our part time children, morning session collection is at 11.45 and afternoon drop off is at 12.45.
We enjoy working with our children, families and the local community to give the children many exciting learning opportunities throughout their year in Pre-school. We encourage the children to become independent learners and adopt a curiosity approach across our topics throughout the year.
Our topics for this year are:
Term 1: All around the World
Term 2: Festivals and Celebrations
Term 3: Terrific Tales
Term 4: What is at the bottom of the garden?
Term 5: Pirates!
Term 6: Who lives at the seaside?
In Pre-school we learn through play and enjoy independent learning both inside and outside. We also have carpet sessions for lessons such as Phonics, Maths and Shared Stories and a variety of daily adult led activities to support our learning. Keep an eye out on Tapestry for photographs, key moments, updates and memos for events taking place in Hedgehog class.
To find out more about the learning that takes place, have a look at our curriculum overview and timetable by clicking the links below.